What’s New

For a PDF version of this week’s update including photos, download the Executive Summary

With the cold weather coming in this past week, crews have begun preparing to work through these upcoming months by getting their winter protection measures in place. The final pour of the high walls at the diving vessel was completed and crews will begin to backfill in the coming weeks. That marks the completion of the concrete at the dive vessel!

The concrete base at the new competition/recreation pool was poured, and the only remaining pour will be the walls. We look forward to those walls being completed in the coming weeks, and the completion of the concrete at yet another vessel.

Underground at the western half of the pool house is complete and crews have now transitioned to the eastern half. Footings and foundations were completed last week, and the masonry crews are getting mobilized. They spent the latter half of the week setting up scaffolding and winter protection measures, and will look to begin laying their first block next week.

The Past Few Weeks

  • Pouring of the high walls at the new dive vessel
  • Pouring of the concrete base for the new competition/recreation pool (north end)
  • Underground plumbing at the new pool house has continued
  • Mobilization of masonry crews for pool house walls

Looking Ahead

  • Pouring of the north and south walls at the new competition/recreation pool
  • Masonry walls at the new pool house
  • Concrete slab on grade at the new pool house
  • Wood trusses at the new pool house

Did You Know?

As construction progresses throughout the winter and crews continue to pour concrete in the cold weather, the use of admixtures in the concrete mix is common practice. Admixtures are additives, either chemical or mineral, that are added when the concrete is mixed to enhance different properties of the concrete (workability, durability, or strength). Currently at the pool, admixtures called “accelerators” are being used to help speed up the curing process by increasing the rate of cement hydration.